Hartmann Language School
German classes and Spanish classes
in London.
Black/Red Dragon coat (own design) and black wool coat without sleeves (own design)
On the right is the coat for the "guy". It is made of rayon velvet. The sleeves are made of a chinese brocade with a dragon design on it. The lining is red silk, hand dyed to match the brocade.
The sleeve lining, made of red silk, sewn in by hand.
The red lining of the coat.
Detail shot of the belt. All of the components were purchased separately and then assembled.
Black wool coat without sleeves and "dragon" closures
The fabric was intended to be used for my "Matrix coat", but that project never happened. This is a sleeveless summer coat, all lined in black Habotai silk. The closures are dragon heads mounted on the coat with leather patches.
Better view of the closures. Since the coat is lined in silk, it can be worn without a shirt and feels great on skin. I try to work without synthetic fabrics. They never feel good and they don´t drape well.